2011年9月11日 星期日


Zuckermann & Walsh (2011: 117)提出語言振興的三項原則,前兩項是:「(一)如果你的語言瀕危,千萬不要讓它死亡;(二)如果你的語言快要死亡,要停止語言死亡(stop)、進行語言振興(revive)、讓語言存活(survive)。」爲什麽要關心族語流失?因為族語振興符合原住民族的物質以及精神利益,學者從成本效益分析的觀點,歸納語言振興的好處,如下(轉引自Zuckermann & Walsh, 2011:113):(一)有助於社會和解;(二)文化觀光;(三)促進各種技術、知識和資源等能力的建構(Capacity building);(四)改善原住民族社區的健康狀況;(五)在語言復振過程中,有些原住民能從功能失調(dysfunctional)變成身心平衡、積極向上;(六)在社會利益方面,可以達成歷史正義,彌補社會不平等,讓那些失去傳統和人生意義的人,重新得到力量。語言振興好處多多。

While the results the endeavors we are proposing here have considerable value as a research enterprise, one can also consider them in terms of a cost-benefit analysis (Mühlhäusler and Damania 2004, Walsh 2008): Language revitalization contributes to social reconciliation, cultural tourism (Clark and Kostanski 2005), capacity building, and improved community health for Indigenous peoples (Walsh forthcoming B). In the process of language revival, some Aboriginal people will go from being dysfunctional (cf. Sutton 2009) to well-balanced, positive people. The benefits to the wider community and to Australian society are immense.

Zuckermann, Ghil'ad and Walsh, Michael 2011. 'Stop, Revive, Survive: Lessons from the
Hebrew Revival Applicable to the Reclamation, Maintenance and Empowerment of
Aboriginal Languages and Cultures', Australian Journal of Linguistics 31.1: 111-127.

