2023年3月2日 星期四


問ChatGPT:Mead說不要懷疑一小群人可以改變世界這句話的出處為何? 伊回答講: 這句話的出處可以追溯到美國社會學家Mead(Margaret Mead)在 1972 年所發表的演講《對未來的信心》("A Rap on Trust"),該演講是與作家James Baldwin對談的一部分。以下是這個引用的完整內容: "Baldwin: How much confidence can we have that a small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world? Mead: Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." "Baldwin:lan chit-sio-kun u su-siong kah koat-sim e lang kam u hoat-tou kai-pian se-kai?" Mead kong: Tek-khak che si ui-it bat cheng-kong-koe e le.