English Plus Movement: Statement of Purpose & Core Beliefs
Statement of Purpose: founding document of the
English Plus Information Clearinghouse (EPIC)
Washington, D.C., 1987
The strength and vitality of the United States springs from the diversity of our people. By promoting cultural and democratic pluralism within our own borders, we also enhance our economic competitiveness and maintain our international leadership. In an interdependent world, the diversity of our people provides a unique reservoir of abilities and resources.
The English Plus concept holds that the national interest is best served when all members of our society have full access to effective opportunities to acquire strong English language proficiency plus mastery of a second or multiple languages. English Plus holds that there is a need for an expanded network of facilities and programs for comprehensive instructions in English and other languages.
English Plus rejects the ideology and divisive character of the English Only movement. English Plus holds this national unity and our constitutional values require that language assistance be made available in order to ensure equal access to essential services, education, the electoral process, and other rights and opportunities guaranteed to all members of society. English Only, however, holds that newcomers not yet proficient in English should lose their access to public programs and assistance.
Beliefs of English Plus Proponents
English is and will remain the primary language of the United States, and all members of our society recognize the importance of English to national life, individual accomplishment, and personal enrichment.
The ability to communicate in English and other languages has promoted and can further enhance American economic, political, and cultural vitality.
The English Only movement promotes legislation and policies that abridge constitutional rights, impairs the effectiveness of those federal employees who must use languages other than English to do their jobs, fosters governmental interference in private activities and commerce, and causes social disunity.
To attain the goal of an English Plus society, proponents see a need for:
expanding the educational opportunities for comprehensive English language instructions;
enabling all newcomers to exercise the rights and responsibilities of full participation in society while reinvigorating society's commitment to pluralism, tolerance, and diversity;
encouraging the retention and development of a newcomer's first language to strengthen that personís skills, as well as contributing to the multiple language skills of all members of our society;
retaining and strengthening the full range of language assistance policies and programs, including bilingual assistance, to ensure all members of society an equal opportunity to exercise their rights and responsibilities throughout society, especially in the electoral process, education, the legal system, social services, and health care;
rejecting the objectives and premises of English Only and defeating any legislative initiative on the federal, state or local level, which mandate English as the official language and thereby restricting the civil rights, civil liberties and equal opportunities of all persons, including persons with limited English proficiency as well as the ability of the government to meet its obligations.
2011年12月21日 星期三
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