2009年11月29日 星期日

Using Welsh services 選擇語言的自由

我tak-pai 若ti公開場所講母語著有人喊講愛講tak-ke聽有的語言。
(Remember, you have a choice...
Cofia, mae gen ti ddewis...)

Using Welsh services

"Many organisations across Wales offer their services in Welsh. These include services over the phone, online, in writing and face to face. The ‘mae gen ti ddewis…’ campaign promotes Welsh language choice where it is available. Over the coming months the campaign will work with partner organisations to promote their Welsh language services.

Welsh Language Schemes

Public bodies all over Wales operate Welsh Language Schemes. These schemes set out which services will be available in Welsh, and how and when they will be provided. Welsh Language Schemes are legal documents drafted in consultation with the Welsh Language Board and approved following public consultation.

Gest ti ddewis?

Organisations that take part in the ‘mae gen ti ddewis…’ campaign are carefully selected. These services should be easy to access and equally available in Welsh and English.

Did you receive a fantastic Welsh medium service somewhere?

Have you been disappointed or frustrated when you couldn’t receive something in Welsh? We would like to hear about your experiences.

If you believe an organisation is not delivering its Welsh Language Scheme in full you have the right to complain. You can e-mail us (click on 'Contact us' at the top of this screen) or write to us for more information on how to complain or to tell us about your experiences directly. You can also join our group on Facebook.

What you can do

When you next phone, visit or write to an organisation look out for the language choice and where available choose Welsh.

Let your friends and family know that they also have a choice. Join in the discussion and invite your friends to join our Facebook group.

Make your feelings about the quality and availability of Welsh medium services clear to the providers and let us know what you think – good or bad.

Remember, you have a choice...
Cofia, mae gen ti ddewis... "

3 則留言:

  1. Seng-hian: Chin phai-se, chin-ku bo sia blog. Koh u be-chio pun-so-phoe, bo sio-sim soah ka li e i-kian ma thai-tiau, sit-chai chin sit-le. Goa kan-ta e-ki-tit pou-hun e i-kian, kan-ta hoe-eng, to-gi-gian e khong-kan tu-liau hoat-leng kui-teng i-goa ti to-chok-kun chu-chip e sou-chai eng-kai ma ai kian-lip kiong-sek, chu-tong the-kiong hoan-ek sek-pi ah-si bun-kiaN. Welsh si ka pun-thou gi-gian tong-cho si e-tang pang-chan siong-phin heng-siau e mih-kiaN, che ma si chit pou. Goa khoaN khah iong-i cho-kau e si kian-lip to-gi-gian e gi-gian keng-koan, an-ne ma e-tang the-chheN tai-ke, chia si to-chiong gi-gian chu-chip e sou-chai.

  2. Hak-khiam lau-su,

    Bo-iau-kin--lah. To-sia li e hoe-hok.

    Na beh kian-lip to-gi-gian e keng-koan, an-ne piau-si kap ho-thau (pi-lun: lou pai, kong-kiong si-siat e piau-si t.t.) eng-kai si 1 e chin ho e khi-tiam.

    Hek-chia si siat-lip gi-gian-khu, ti hit-e gi-gian-khu lai-te to iong hit-e gi-gian lai cho piau-si e iong-gi.

  3. Gi-gian-khu e siuN-hoat chin ho. M-koh u koa jiok-se chok-kun e sia-khu, gi-gian i-keng liu-sit, sui-jian chu-iau si kang-chok-kun toa cho-hoe, chong-si chu-iau e gi-gian si pat-chok e cheng-heng, choe-kin Tan Siok-koan k.s. tiau-cha Lam-tau e cheng-heng tioh be-chio chia e le. Ti gi-gian liu-sit giam-tiong e sou-chai, gi-gian-khu khiong-kiaN kan-ta u hiong-teng e i-gi. Chit e si-chun tiong-iau e hoan-se si ka-ki e chok-kun koan ka-ki e tai-chi, chhin-chhiuN chit koa kok-ka goan-chu-bin e-tang chu-ti, sim-chi heng-seng "kok-tiong-kok 國中國".
