2009年7月14日 星期二


今仔日讀Cantoni (1997)e5 Keeping minority languages alive: The school’s responsiblity(保存少數語言是學校e5責任),內底有一個譬喻真讚。伊講多種語言會當譬喻作衫櫥仔(衣櫥),因為無仝場合有無仝穿插e5必要,所以咱真罕得去到to2位攏穿仝一領衫。咱嘛bē因為歇熱,tioh kā寒人e5衫tàn hak-kak。咱e5衫櫥仔愛有濟種e5款式kap變化,才有法度應付無仝場合穿插e5需要,語言mā仝款,無仝e5語言會當hou7咱佇無仝e5場合 kap無仝e5 對象有適當e5選擇。有當時仔選著語言來講,hit e5效果著kán-ná“金蘋果khng ti7銀藍仔仝款”。彼款語言無tu2好是強勢語言,tī 台灣社會kan-ta講華語絕對無夠,全台灣講台語e5人口通無嘛有75%,tī 客語庄,原住民社區分別koh有真濟講客語抑是原住民語e5人口。

無仝e5語言著be7輸無仝e5衫褲,佛著扛,人著妝,beh phiau-phiat 衫櫥仔愛有濟濟e5媠衫通好揀選。會曉多種語言會當開闊咱的人際關係,生理人會當作愈濟生理,會曉濟種語言e5學生m7但會加khah巧,未來嘛khah有出路。

Cantoni (1997)講的相關部份ti7 chia:

“A wide range of possible language uses can be compared to a rich wardrobe to fit all occasions. One does not usually dress in the same kind of clothes for a wedding and for a football game, for winter and for summer. Instead of throwing away wool socks and fuzzy earmuffs because summer is here, one stores them for use when the weather turns cold again. Dressing appropriately for a variety of occasions and needs requires a certain amount of diversity in our wardrobe so that we can make suitable choices, just as a rich variety of linguistic tools allows us to select the language and style that is most likely to achieve the desired results in a given situation at a particular time.”

Cantoni, G. (1997). Keeping minority languages alive: The school’s responsiblity. In J. Reyhner (Ed.). Teaching Indigenous languages. (pp 1-9). Flagstaff, AZ: University of Northern Arizona.

